Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas in Denver 2009

Auntie Tete and the kids decorate the 'kid's tree' in the basement...
Making ornaments from scratch with colored paper and cutting them out...
diligent little workers and hanging the finished products....
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Two months later....

Still quit....unbelievable! I have even been on two extraordinary vacations and though I struggled with the 'lack of something' feeling constantly, I was able to fend off the smoking urge by eating nuts! I have definitely gained a few pounds in all the wrong places, but when I complain out loud somebody always says 'it's better than smoking'....argh! So, you see, the urge is still there, hidden beneath a ton of nuts and other foods that now taste so unbelievably good. Problem. Seems, too, that I am drinking more alcohol...hmmmmm, not sure that's really better than smoking. I am totally enjoying bloody Marys and wine whenever it's available. And, believe me, it'd better be available within a reasonable time or that personality no one wants to meet gets pretty close to coming out. That would be the personality I had when it'd been much too long between cigs! uh oh!

I will keep the faith, and maintain my behavior. Gaining weight all the way. No problem. I have at least started to walk/jog on the treadmill...certainly not often enough, but hey, I am doing it.