Friday, April 25, 2008

Secretary/Adiminstrative Assistant week!

This, i know, is a gross picture! Much as i'm sure it's not real, it's how i feel when seven people at the same time are asking to do something for them!

yep, fell into this job 8 years ago.... it's okay, it certainly pays well, and has great benes..and who cares, really, about anything else in this world...okay, 'cept for my kids, my dog...stuff like that...without which i wouldn't care if i had money or not, right?

so to any of you women out there who FEEL like somebody's secretary/admin, here's to you, too.

1 comment:

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

i got a $50 amex gift card from Ops and a $25 gift card for Cosi from the one gay man in the office. gee, not surprising that the two gifts i received came from a woman and a gay man...