Dog owners used their dogs as excuses to see 'what was happening'. I think every dog owner in the neighborhood was hanging around our building for their dog's evening constitutional. It was cool, though. I certainly used Mr Pimms to cruise the area!
Filming began at 6 p.m. on our 2nd floor. There were a few scenes taken in our lobby. Sometime in the middle of the night with GIANT flood lights lighting our water garden, they filmed more scenes. Had to go to sleep, so missed all of that.
Today when I got home you would never have known they'd been here. It was amazing!
awesome! too bad they didn't allow you to take pictures of 'stuff' as it was happening... good times! and i hear you met the director, kevin macdonald (without knowing it) in the elevator. it was on the news.
it was on the news that i saw the director in the elevator? hahahaha just kidding...i knew what you meant...but did they show our building? don't know why i think this was such a big deal except that when we lived in San Diego and they filmed something in the county we got excited! this, by god, was FIRST HAND stuff!
Ben, what a jerk. Pics would have been great even though he wasn't friendly. So, that was it? Are they returning? Sorry that you had to miss some of it.
yep, that was it...was exciting just to have all those movie peeps here...recognized some of the actors, you know, the extra peeps that stand around in'll be interesting to see how much of our building they actually use in the movie.
Come on give us more. I am wanting for a trip to DC more and more these days. Post soon.
yeah, ma - some pics of the cherry blossoms. i know you must have taken some! ;)
ehehehe ahhhh the cherry blossoms..have some great shots...check out the cherry blossom blog.
WM....MOFM talked me into doing a blog about places in DC that I love...that'll be soon...been too busy at work and too tired after to do much's coming soon, though! ;->
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