Saturday, March 23, 2013

Are all cities like this? I don't think so!!

A lady was walking with her baby in a stroller and 2 asshole teenagers approached her and demanded money...she told them she had none, so the older bastard pulls out what the lady believes to be a toy gun until he fires it and it grazes her ear...then the bastard says give me money or I'll shoot your baby! He shot the baby in the face killing him instantly! What the fuck!

I realize bad stuff happens everywhere, but DC has a problem, a major problem, with these little assholes who are quite literally bastards! Simply put, there is an attitude with people here..(I have no reason to be politically correct, and I am totally NOT a racist)..who for generations have deemed it their right to live off the government, have children with a different father every year, and just let the children live on the streets, maybe go to school, and have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything anywhere.

If I was queen I would send entire families back to where they believe their forefathers were dragged kicking and screaming from to become slaves here in America.....history tells us many of their forefathers were brought to America by ... Guess who? Nonwhite sellers...hmmm

I have a very close relative whom I love dearly....he is black, brilliant, a Stanford grad, with a beautiful wife and a daughter now attending Stanford -

A book every young black child in the District should read is "A Hope in the Unseen" written by Ron Suskind about a Ballou Senior High School student, (in DC) a smart kid in a scary place.

Get thyself up outta the filth and do something great.....

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