Saturday, February 28, 2009


We all had parents of some sort or another. My Dad is awesome, my Mom was....interesting. Seems to be the norm, though. One parent is generally the better of the two at parenting and usually it is the Mom. It may take some kind of beverage to get through it, but Moms rule. Dads are more likely to be ‘there’ if absolutely necessary. They have more important things to do...they think they need to be ‘out in the forest picking berries and hunting for food’. It is amazing how some things will never change. Doesn't seem to matter that Mom is holding down a real job along with the kid job.

When my kids were growing up they weren’t allowed to do certain hit me, yell at me, scratch me, or in total, do anything to endanger themselves or others, at least when I was within earshot or able to see them. Some parents just don’t get it...these are kids, you’re the adult here. After you send them to their rooms or a corner for a timeout, look the little bastards in the eyes and tell them they will not get away with this shit. Then give them a much needed hug, tell them you love them and go on.

I know, who the hell am I to tell anyone what should be done with the belligerent little bastards? No one. I simply have an opinion. Because I’m old and have been through the raising of kids stages, I have a pretty good opinion. Besides, I watch Super Nanny and she happens to agree with my parenting ideas. Kids are awesome humans. They learn everything so quickly, including the bad stuff you teach them without you noticing they’re learning it.

Many of the lessons learned raising kids are learned in the process. Or not. If you have more than one, the second, third, or more, will seem so much easier, so much more fun, and almost enjoyable. When they start to enjoy each other’s company, life becomes nearly normal....or as normal as it can be with kids. Then they get to the stage where they hate each other and not until they’re adults do they appreciate each other again. Sometimes they even appreciate their parents! The sad thing is when they wait too long to realize they really do appreciate their parents. Then there's the really sad thing when the parents turn into children. Morality.... mortality.....the never-ending cycle of life.


Harmony said...

Who the hell are you? Ummm...Experience!

While I agree that parenting advice should be kept to a minimum...or maybe non at all...I think that is most likely due to the general delivery of the advice (does that make sense?). Most people slinging out advice, act as if though they are some sort of superior asshole. I believe that if someone really felt that their advice should be heeded (sp?) that they should put much thought into tact. Otherwise they are just blabbering to hear themselves talk.

With that said, I totally agree with your opinion on how to handle kids...makes complete sense. And I definitely work at carrying out that type of routine. It is hard to do at times, since I am the only one willing to take responsibility of being the "bad" parent and punishing the kids. I freaking hate being the bad guy....but I know it must be done.

SoCal Transplant said...

H - I have no idea who I am...ehehehe The kid raisin' thing was brought on by 3 separate movies I saw over the weekend...'Life as a House' and 2 others that involved parents and their teenage kids....scary shit! The reality is, no matter how kids are raised, sans beatings and verbal attacks,or spoiled rotten, they turn out how they're gonna turn out...mine did. They're perfect! Did I say that?