Wednesday, May 7, 2008

i've said it before....

i've discovered that when you really like the person you work for you can, when necessary, pull stuff out of your ass! currently in my job, we're in the middle of spending hours determining what vendors to use for what fabulous boss called me from his office today during a meeting with some clients and asked me for 'the name of the guy that was here with what's her name' flew out of of somewhere, i can only imagine it came from the depths...'oh, you mean Don ......?' 'yes, that's him'. he hung up the phone after thanking me profusely...and going on to tell the clients how wonderful i am....i could hear him through the door....

there are days when working really feels good.


Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

this works with mothers and daughters (or BFFs too, i suppose) because doesn't this occur nightly during our phone calls...?

"what was the name of that movie with the woman who was in that movie with that guy...?" "A Fish Called Wanda." "That's it!"


SoCal Transplant said...

totally! love it! and it's usually me who can't remember the movie with the guy with the hair who has a brother that was in that movie with that lady... or something...but don'tcha agree that when ya have a boss you can do that with, which, unlike me, you have had for 12 years, it's extremely rewarding! not that our little bouts with ahh haas aren't rewarding, but the whole being able to have enough of something, not sure what that is, with a boss puts a whole new wrinkle on it...for me. i was quite elated!

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

yeah, and you should be extremely happy with the fact that it has hardly taken you guys any time at all. it took mike... ooohhh, around NINE FUCKING YEARS to finally trust me with stuff and get to the mind-reading stage.

so... here's to ALEJANDRO! *hiccup*


I knew you were creme de la creme!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Way to go!