Monday, March 24, 2008


Some people just do not realize when they don’t bathe and instead pour on some kind of fragrance it just makes them really, really stinky. It’s bad enough to encounter these people in a public place like the mall or maybe a restaurant that isn’t guarded by someone who may not allow a stinky person inside….but when they’re encountered in the elevator or cafeteria at work? OMG!

Then there’s the lunch hour smells….there’s much ethnicity where I work. Nice people, but oh the smells. Makes me want to ask the powers that be to ban microwaves so there is nowhere to heat this stuff up!

Smelly cars should be banned. I thought the reason we had cars tested for emissions was to keep them from bellowing heavy, toxic gases or, by golly, emissions! It’s really disgusting to be behind a car puffing out gray stuff! Ugh!

Perfume sprayers...…the ones who spray themselves when they come in to work, and just before they leave. Come on, do it in your car, or before you leave home or when you get home! Some of those ‘fragrances’ have to be worse for us than cigarette smoke! I worked with a woman who died from toxic fragrance smell. She would get horrible headaches when she had patients who wore too much perfume. One day she simply keeled over and died. Cause of death? Brain aneurism caused by allergy to heavy perfume! I’ve NEVER heard of anyone dying instantly from cigarette smoke!

Smell-affected people unite!

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