Saturday, February 16, 2008

guitar hero....

Okay, so at the bottom of my blog, which isn't very long are now able to view Rush' YYZ played on guitar hero by this guy who must be extremely dextrous. (i couldn't figure out how to get rid of the other three youtube things, and sometimes other youtube things show up so just ignore them. playing yyz is the guy in the red shirt and he'll eventually return.)

Over the holidays some of us in the family got hooked on guitar hero (some more than others)and now everytime i visit my daughter i HAVE TO play guitar hero! it's crazy, i know...and i never really even liked hard rock! now i have my radio tuned to DC 101 on my way home from work just so i can listen to rock songs. the crazy thing is, i play the steering'll only understand this if you have seen or played guitar hero. i feel like an old head banger! (hmmm, that's probably what i am, eh?)

1 comment:

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

i love guitar hero! i'm so addicted! you should get yourself a gaming console!